The rise and Fall of the modern Antagonist

Rise and fall of the Antagonist, Donald Trump

by Douglas Stahl

The Rise of Donald Trump, the antagonist is nothing new. It has happened over the many years since the origins of western civilization. It is a part of checks and balances on Power. Many Greek Plays contained Antagonist vs Protagonist. You really haven’t had a true Antagonist on the scene in this country for many years now.  For as long as I remember a guy like Trump was considered a real “buzz kill”.  Oh so many people would say about a guy like this: “Oh you’re being so negative” “ Come on let’s all try to be Positive”. “Get with the Program”.  

Fall in line. The pressure was on all of us to be like the status-quo. Political Correctness was the mantra since the 60’s. Don’t hurt anyones feelings. We equated it with being civilized.

Antagonist have always played a vital role in the history of western civilization. When an antagonist comes along their role is to creates conflict to test the metal and strength of a protagonist. What is a Protagonist? That is usually the person in charge.  Yes the status-quo is the Protagonist.

If the Protagonist can handle the conflict and the consequences of their policy and actions they are considered successful.  

Ever notice the  the respect for Bill Clinton by many Republicans? For years many people challenged him There were many antagonist after him and he endured. He had to endure.

The Clinton years happened in the beginning of what I call the “information cartel or monopoly age.” Fifteen years ago there was still somewhat of a press that got information and reporting out to the people. There was some accountability. The standards of where, what, and who were hammered into journalist in colleges. Stay neutral and report the facts. 

Juxtaposition that journalism to today. The dominance of the information cartel. The internet in conjunction with The Drudge Report, Fox News and the incredible Talk Radio Cartel with Rush Limbaugh as the leader for the last 10 years forms the New Status Quo.

They are the new Protagonist of our day. They are the reason Taxes have not been raised in 15 years. (even with giant deficits)  Why? (You were called a socialist by them) They control the air waves though monopoly.  Hannity pounded on anyone who disagreed. Fox was the Reason all the Trade Pacts were Passed. Remember that? If you wanted to stop them you were accused of being against capital flows going to the lowest cost.

They blamed the American workers for companies moving out of the USA. Remember Fox said that? You were called a socialist. You were told by Hannity, Rush, Bob Grant, Mike Savage that you were hindering free trade and against the Corporations.  You were anti American.

So Back to Trump the Antagonist. Not

A True Antagonist cannot play their role if they are part of the Status Quo. Therefore Trump is a complete liar because he now he has now married Fox News. His entire fake “Opera” of making up with Megan Kelly is what is wrong with the entire News System. His important role as an Antagonist has been mollified and and shut down.

If Trump had stayed independent and not married Fox News he could have made and impact and shaken up the system. It would have had an impact and made things better. Fox will protect Trump from future antagonist. That is a problem. No one will question him. He is now part of the establishment of Shame. Fox News!

So there will not be any change. There will be no accountability. There will be no improvement. The Antagonist has became the Protagonist.

Fox News

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