US history and the European Union

US history and American exceptionalism defined the European Union

by Doug Stahl

US history in Europe and American exceptionalism created the European Union.

During this election year it is sad to see Donald Trump as being so naive about the world and the United States historic place in the World. He has no perspective on the United States History in Europe with the European Union.

It shows when you hear his mindless comments about the British vote to  pull out from the European Union. This was very sad to listen to.  

Trump has no idea that Europeans for years wanted a Union of some kind which would be more efficient to them when they work together as a group then to have separate independent countries. They wanted a quasi-Federal Union.  

It was the United States that championed European cohesiveness after WW2.

And as time went on the Europeans  wanted this cooperation to help compete in Trade with the United State as a regional trade group of countries rather than just an individual countries.  Trump has no idea of a concepts like this. He is just smart enough to rebuild a Golf Course. We can see Trump has a deficiency in history and civilized complex ideas that foster cooperation.  We saw this today when he was opening his Golf Course that he had inherited in Scotland. He is completely in the dark on this subject.

Remember when we won world War World War 2 we the United States  set up the original Western European Union

This was an Idea put forth by the Americans as a way to facilitate communications between all Western European countries. It was established in 1948 and was meant to prevent any misunderstandings and poor communications which had  led to WW1 and  WW2.   Later as time went on different cooperation treaties were established between the different states that constitute Western Europe. After the breakdown of the Soviet Union more countries joined the group. This then led to the modern Idea of the European Union of today.

European Union trade Growth since “Treaty of Rome in 1957”

European Union growth|Stahl Study Douglas Stahl


Remember Trump has no idea of this that the EU was an idea was originally put into effect to copy the structural formation of these United States.  

He, Trump is in the dark.

It is a simple idea. Just like you can travel from Texas to New Mexico to sell something unimpeded. No customs at state lines in the US.  It is easy in US to do business between states. Right?  Europe wanted something similar. Before the establishment of the European Union you had to enter a new country stop at customs and fill out a lot of paperwork.  each time and that takes time. The Union wanted to make it more efficient to have one market then 28 independent countries for trade purposes.   

Americans should remember that this European Union was a great compliment to our system as we developed it.  It was a compliment to the great idea that has allowed us: The 50 independent states to unify under one flag!    

Europe has tried to copy this structure with the EU. It is a quasi-Federation.

For years England has  balked at the idea  of a European Union and never really totally went along with the idea. They never changed currency from the Pound to  the Euro their own currency.  They kept the pound as their independent currency when the rest of Europe embraced the Euro as their new currency. This in itself has lead to some of the instability within the European Union.

Trump has no idea how to foster people getting to cooperate and prosper. He loves to just ridicule and fight. You see this naivety from Trump when he talks about arming the Japanese with Nuclear Missiles.He does not understand that we won the war with Japan and we protect them so they won’t fight us again.

Trump has no idea of the World the United States Created after World War Two.  He has no understanding of History and the push by American influence around the world since then.

In Europe with the formation of a quasi-Federation EU has some weakness.

Remember in forming the  “United States of America” certain  Laws and agreements were essential to the long term strength of the Union. We made the Union strong and representative of the people. We had a Congress for local representation. We also had a Strong President. This gave our Union Strength in enforcement. This is part of the weakness of the European Union because it is a quasi-federations.  It contains some of these qualities but not all of them. Like any agreement it should and will be modified from time to time to meet new challenges or needs.

Finally Trump has seized and wants to distort what happened on this Britain Exit vote. and has tried to point out that taking down borders for trade efficiency  somehow equated to “Open Borders” and claims the US Mexican Border is an  open Border and the Canadian and US is an open Border.  These are total mischaracterization of the Truth and are bold-faced lies. Trump and Fox news have millions of people thinking people can just walk across the border any time for any reason. That is a lie and he is basing his entire campaign on it.

Remember this is a trade agreement!  

For years Europeans saw that acting on their own was less efficient for trade purposes then to act as a  group.  Remember Europe each  country is a totally independent country. They wanted to compete with the United States in Trade.

Trump has no ideas of concepts like this.

He is just smart enough to build a Golf Course. We saw this Trump bragging about the Golf Course that he had bought in Scotland. It was sad for Trump to compare the “Neutral borders” concept to the idea of “Open Borders”. These  borders in Europe were  more open for Trade Purposes  but so was the cooperation and the harmony that was developed because of this. The European Union is a great idea and should continue.

Also, Trump has no idea that this is a success story for American influence.

The wonderful thing about Europe Union was that brought its people closer together. When we look what were some of the de-facto rules that were in place even before the “European Union “ were formed.” English had become and now was the unifying language of the Continent and of the World.

It  was amazing when when I first visited England we  noticed all the pop-up English Language schools all over the City.  People came from all over Europe to London to study English. This showed the tremendous influence of the US and the UK.  Just think when two Europeans are trying to communicate they use English as a neutral language. So you have a German trying to Communicate with a person from Poland they will use English as their go-between language.  We should be proud of the Post World War Two Europe and world that our parents generation set up. We are influencing the world with our American type systems.

We the US really do lead the world. We don’t do it by using the barrel of a Gun. We do it because of our fair and egalitarian Laws, smarts and our humanity and it works so good. Again Trump has no idea of this and if you told him he wouldn’t believe it.

So now Trump, Fox News and the Right wing “Think Tanks” are trying to compare our relationships with Canada and Mexico as “Open Borders”.

This lie about OPEN BORDERS is a total fabrication and a disgrace. This kind of propaganda was put out by Fox News and “Border Wars” a National Geographic “REALITY” series (owned by Fox News) which keeps showing and embellishing this  propaganda.

This reality TV show( Border Wars) has laid down the propaganda which shows Mexicans coming across our borders in droves and this is a total fabrication of propaganda misleading the country. Much of that filming happened 8 years ago during the great housing boom of “George Bush” 10 years ago. There was lots of cross border work then. To play these films taken years ago and take it out of context if misleading millions of Americans about the real truth.

Trump has no idea of any of these concepts. He is on Hannity and Fox  every night now and has strapped on the Fox News propaganda. It is really sad to watch this play out. They are propagandizing and then their misleading concepts of “Open borders”.

It is so sad Trump does not understand that when you really understand the the European Union it is using a quasi-federation model of  the United States of America as a model for its EU structure.That is the ultimate compliment or democracy and for American style capitalism. It is sad Trump has no understanding.

Many wonderful things have happened in Europe since WW2.  This is an indicator of the influence our parents who created this model of the world World War.  

It is heartbreaking and sad that the man running for office of the Presidency Trump has no idea of this. He is a illiterate historian.  It is the ultimate compliment paid to the success of our country to spread peace in Europe for 70 years. Our parents generation wanted to further  promote the kind of richness of ideas and diversity of work and people that live in these United States. That is the ultimate compliment or democracy and for American style capitalism.

Is is really sad to see Trump has no idea of what the true greatness and the extended  era of American exceptionalism we live in now. This alone should disqualify him from being President of our great Country.





EU. Blg

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